( rl ) another rejection email. this is why i want to punch people who look down on the unemployed. finding and getting a job is hard as shit.
latest #15
for a knock to your self-esteem there's nothing quite like having going on 50 companies all decide you're not good enough to be a minimum wage slave for them
god, i know the feeling
out of 30 or so applications i've had two rejection letters lmfao the rest didn't bother
makes myself feel better by uploading every icon of chuck ever made
then i might actually attempt some tags??? whoa
actually this is turning into just uploading every chuck icon lungful has ever made oops
i was just thinking 'damn i'm glad people don't get notifs when people use their icons' that's how many are getting lifted wholesale
last looks!
10 years ago
last looks!
10 years ago
most people don't. i do. in my bones.
your icons made me get a paid for chuck because i just needed them all. i hope you're happy
last looks!
10 years ago
i'm pleased as punch. and don't worry i'm pretty sure i'm going to wind up prem-ing up raleigh thanks to myself. so at least it's a double-edged retractable chain sword.
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