screams and cries yep, Gorse they can both happen at once!
question: does teleportation work now?
asking because, provided 'ku gets really beat up, it'd be cool if he could bail back to the machine room.
Garvi is gonna be fightan ruana, I'm down
that sounds like one epic ending
I am excited
Dorked: it will depend on what stage the fight is in but if teleporting is a bad idea there will be a warning before anything deadly happens
okay, cool. So basically, if a char is facing deadly circumstnaces, there'll be a heads-up?
yeah, as long as they don't do something super dumb they'll get a heads-up
Thanks for the quick response! Just wanted to check
like if there are spikes all over the floor and you have your character dive straight into them that can't really be warned for BUT
Are the bodies wireframes or real?
Is there going to be a preparation thread? Because unless weapon spawning is still off-limits a few people might want to check in with a certain angel now...
(Also, would Riku's Dream Eater have abilities, too, since he got his powers restored as a regain?)
Thanks again
Dorked: Characters who were sent home have real bodies, characters who stayed in the Tower are wireframes
ah, okay. Was just wondering due to the images inside becoming more real as things progressed
you could also use the machine room for that if you want as long as you keep it to one thread
ooh. Okay! I will pass it on to Ally :3
Dorked: the wireframe characters have their real powers at least, just to make sure that got across
One more question. Other than teleporting, will there be any other methods of escape?
(Just inquiring for the chars who don't have such abilities)
though people who can teleport other characters may be able to get others out too
when teleporting is possible
Mind if I crack out Garviel's ultimate persona ability for dis one?
alicorn: assuming she went back to her real world, yes
How do characters get back their real bodies? Traveling through worlds/their own world?
★ Mutation Skill Krak Grenade: Inflicts a medium amount of Fire Damage, knocks the enemy into the down status for one turn.
Normally it requires special event for the mutation skill
kamex: They have to have been sent back to their own world when Ruana sent people to either their own world or the cells
and just to check, it's cool if we comment, right?
'cuase I'm typing one up right now /o/
if anyone wants to jump in, I'm cool with it, though I'm guessing there'll be multiple top threads?
So we have our film/wireframe equipment, right?
Am I the only one slightly concerned that the think tank thread has warnings for eventually psychological horror?
of course, that is my preferred type of horror so OOC I am just grinning
LOL yeah i was wondering about that
it looks like both are gonna get some action so it's like WHICH TO PICK
GD it this would happen when I'm out
So, now people die when they are killed?
It's newish in Animus, we know XD
I'm going to give people a little bit of time to pick threads and stuff before I start the Ruana fight unless you guys want me to charge ahead right now
not THAT much time but since it hasn't even been up a full hour
Do we want just one large fight thread or a few seperate ones?
it's mostly up to you guys but I think a balance between a million individual threads and one huge fight thread is a good idea
return of the dumb team names?
I know the Riki one was hard to follow to a point once everyone kinda lept into one thread
we could do a few teams! Would anyone want to join Ocelot? I've been told that she'll more than likely end up with a real gun so it could be team orange collar or something :|a
I'm up for teamups with Riku if anyone is interested :|b
he's got a variety of spells in his arsenal, including healing
I'm checking with castmate for teamup or forming another team
Alright, Remilia and meiling will have a team so that's two heavy hitters. welcomeing anyone else!
Is hyperresonance still an off-limits ability?
And OH SHI- That's the room the Elevator crew found way back when isn't it?
Zelda and Arturia remember it well :'D
...that wasn't the right emote
I have OU!ku also up for a team!
there's the emote I meant
would you be down for some Riku tag-team, Icey?
any team that wants Lancer?
like I said earlier, I'm up for anyone who may want to join in with the dork and his dragon.
Lancer could join Ocelot? Let me go put up her top thread
SDM's top thread is up- Anyone is welcome
I'm always up for Riku tag-team!
alicorn: Would Kyoko want to join up with them again?
He is so game
I am down for Kyoko as well
I'm fine with tagging alongside Ocelot
Minato will be on whichever team that needs support and healing. Who want buffs?!
Also Minato Ken would like you to make sure that Diarmuid, Waver, Yu, and Personafam don't die kthx.
Minato make sure no one dies he's likely to die for them
> Minato will now die for you.
/slides in as I just got up - I guess this is the place to put that Sephiroth will be in the fight?
(was thinking of using the ooc post to plot since timezone difference but idek)
> The final battle approaches...
> You feel that if you die in this battle, it will be final.
> ...
Time to burn our dread, protagbro?
> With renewed resolve, you will try to survive but if it comes to it?
> You will die for them--
/drags away from fight no.
/nooooooooo i can fiiiiiight
gotta burn all dem dreads
but if i die, death will never reform and become ryoji and call down nyx
Ken is jealous of your protag swag
no be jelly u will grow into it /nodnod
Persona 5 Ken leads the group
cries Dia will not be in the fight because if he goes, Waver goes and I think we all want Waver in the Think Tank trying to figure out how to fix things, yes? Yes
Ken, you are a big boy now. Daddy trusts you to keep everyone alive!
that includes YOU for the record. Do not become a protag!
so when can we start expecting NPC tags, anyway?
he'll protag if he has to protag dammit 8|
Leave the protagging to the protags! They are the protagfessionals! I'm going to hell for that joke.
so, I take it our chars have to make the first move
I didn't get a funny one but it's ok :V
Tobias needs no humor Tobias is a living joke of the universe. :|b would help if I copied the right link
gotta tear down the curtains
Did the mods do funny tags or something first?
I know both my characters got one but I didn't get Ocelot's because I forgot to track my own thread, herp
not everyone but I did do a few
alicorn: do you guys still want to join AU Riku's thread?
I'm not in a hurry-- gonna tag the NPC and then wait since Suzaku is also in the thread, so there'll be lots of time to jump in if you
aw, no worries!
I'm not in any real rush, especially since I've got this app to whip up
also, apparently physically attacking the curtains is a dumb idea.
If it gives you a clean shot at Ruana no big deal
...welp, I think that thread proves that it'll be a tough little fight. Darn those riki powers
Team Elevator is sorry for those
is that going to reflect the other threads?
(Just trying to figure it out for when I tag again)
those threads currently take place before that so
Just wasn't sure how time was going to work
now what's he gonna do? XD
question, Mel. How flammable is the room?
(trying to assess this before I write my tag because depending on what's in there/how flammable it looks, it'll affect what Riku and his dragon do to the curtains)
he does not want to risk the whole place catching fire. That would be bad
Dorked: it's mostly metal so it's okay
ah, cool! Thank you for clarifying