нaιley leιgнann shares
10 years ago
thinking of looking for bloggers for my store. Any input from bloggers or store owners on tips / suggestion from both sides?
latest #8
Blogging TD stuff is my fave!
As a blogger are there certain things you don't like or wish a store would do to make it easier on you?
xHaileyx It can be really organized if the creator has a blogger group and sends out new releases or what you like us to blog in that group as an attachment in notices! Other places I blog for sends it out as
I guess they get a server and only add the blogger names into it so when send out the item that way. I feel like a group is easier to keep track. Another option is to give store credit, so they can blog
anything or pick up the new releases without you have to do much other than fill store credit balances every once in awhile.
Oh hmm I do kinda like the store credit option for sure.
Nyhm/Eva/Torie says
10 years ago
I am sure you already know this, but pictures say a lot. Pick people who care for their images, who will post process but still maintain the original overall look of the product, etc.
нaιley leιgнann says
10 years ago
oh yesss! good point nyhm!
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