galeaya shares
10 years ago
Rule 34.3 If it exists, there's an app for it.
Apparently we weren't the only ones with that stickmen!Titan idea.
latest #10
galeaya shares
10 years ago
I got eaten!
BomberDRufi I tried playing it, and got eaten in after 2 seconds.
Aww geez you would answer when I can't get to it.
And in your legal opinion, can we sue them for taking an idea we were thinking about?
Now I'm tempted to look for a sarcasm app.
For those times where you think someone is insulting you but you're not quite sure.
10 years ago
well, according to Philippine Laws, we can't... but I'm sure there's a law in some other country somewhere which will favor us. x3
10 years ago
→ goes to show you how good a student I am [not].
10 years ago
if we can imagine it, it's probably already floating around in the interwebz somewhere
10 years ago
haha Im going to look for one!
Good luck! (If you find it you can use it to find out whether my comment is for real!)
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