10 years ago
Less than a month to do some fanart for Otakuthon. BLAH I am so screwed x_x
latest #7
10 years ago
I already promised my evenings to work on this one commission project for a client (a comic) that isn't anime or fanart related at ALL. I told them I might need a break in August to prep for the con.
10 years ago
I really want to do attack on titan fanart, some disney fanart and some new buttons.. but damn there is just never enough time :-(
10 years ago
Be careful with Disney.
10 years ago
Hmm true I didn't read up on Otakuthon's fanart policies. If I drew some Frozen fanart could I sell it? (Did you look at their policies?)
Kayiko says
10 years ago
Disney might be after you. I dunno how they do things
10 years ago
Disney is intense with their copyright.
10 years ago
Guess I'll be putting off the job hunt to make sure I can get new stuff done for Otakuthon. I'm behind on my fanarf too.
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