10 years ago
someone using as many buzzwords as possible in order to rally people against someone more like (unsure)(unsure)(unsure)
latest #33
10 years ago
plus calling arguments that got heated with rude things exchanged "verbal and emotional abuse"
10 years ago
also, amazingly, they posted a screencap of trying to coax the person into entering a group chat when they've stated they're too emotional for it at the moment
10 years ago
(what happened was the person gave in and SURPRISE SURPRISE, the group chat went very poorly)
10 years ago
look, sometimes two people turn out to be bad for eachother. toxic friendships happen.
10 years ago
that is not "abuse"
10 years ago
I didn't want to get involved in this but this someone is freaking me out
10 years ago
they practically have a sign on their head that says "hello I am a walking nightmare and I will take down as many good things as possible before I clear the area"
10 years ago
Benamas: just. take a gander under that readmore I reblogged, skim a bit of that text
10 years ago
look at the way they're typing and wording things
10 years ago
it's like they were born and raised for LJ drama shit
10 years ago
10 years ago
OH MY GOD they're doin gg a posst liek tthis where theyre hav ign a panciattack and apolozgsng im so sorr y ill never d o it agai n
10 years ago
OH MY GOD and one of their alters made a post
10 years ago
oh no poor baby, I am cyberbullying them
devils lettuce。
10 years ago
Ill be out all day so can someone link me so it doesn't get lost in the tumblr
devils lettuce。
10 years ago
Benhime, to the aim
10 years ago
sakugarne: also you. you need to come over someday (and also we could talk more about this as well as fictional character sads)
baby gremlin
10 years ago
God I haven't had a panic attack in so long I am glad but when I did I hyper ventilated and cried, not type
10 years ago
wildmichimon: I had the misfortune of having one whilst in the middle of a conversation, and it kind of spiralled down before I had the sense to pull away
10 years ago
though luckily now I know what it's like, I can probably be like "HEY BRB" next time
10 years ago
(or hHEY BRBR I guess)
devils lettuce。
10 years ago
I do, I'm free tomorrow? Or Friday and sat
10 years ago
sakugarne: friday is probs for the best, I have an appointment tomorrow
devils lettuce。
10 years ago
10 years ago
I'm just waiting for the sockpuppets. Then the livejournaling shall be complete.
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