If the players would prefer this, we will post the ending on September 1st regardless of the state of all ongoing threads.
We would include the information on how the player characters were intended to reach the conclusion, as well.
I gotta run for work in a minute but I'll think on it during my shift/break
not terribly concerned about the fight half, but given how it seems like the 'how to fix things half' is dependent on character choice, how would that be handled?
would you guys just take the opinions that have been voiced by the characters thus far and take them to their natural conclusion?
Given how certain things have been going I'm pretty sure you guys would be able to figure out what needs to be figured out.
... well that's an interesting/exciting note for me to be leaving on...
Yea, I think we need to know more about how the ending will be determined/worked out in both logs before we can really offer an opinion?
Anyway I'll weigh in when I get home
personally I'm still tagging in when I can with no real comprehension how it's going to go in the end
Well as far as the Ruana stuff is going you guys are definitely going to manage that part handily. As far as the other stuff, that's a bit more up in the air but I think you'd be able to manage.
I know I have been worried that so few people are tagging into the machine room stuff now. The fight still has a good group of taggers, but it feels like we are down to maybe less than 5 on the other log.
Honestly, you all are pretty well down the path to getting a good ending. Even with the machine room which has a little more wiggle room, it's definitely not outside the realm of possibility for the characters
to figure it out even if the ending is just posted.
So if that's something any of you are concerned about, I wouldn't be concerned - just focus on making a decision that you all think will bring you the most happiness and the least amount of stress.
cadences: you aren't alone feeling that way. I know several players who have basically given up because of that rush and deadtime rhythm things have been going in.
i know that i personally have been very worried about waning interest among the playerbase, and i definitely cannot blame anyone for feeling that way. this has gone on far longer than it was ever meant to.
i'm very grateful that everyone has stuck it out as long as they have!
so we really do want to do what will make you guys happiest in ending the game, and we want to hear your opinions so we can make the most informed decision possible.
I'd love to see the rest of the security videos and things that are planned for the machine room group if that would still be possible in the case of the ending being posted before they are all revealed
y'all know how much I love my theories
I will post the rest of that stuff!
I'd also be open to having an OOC Q&A
that would cover just anything really
stuff that couldn't have been brought up in-game at all and also maybe how things were supposed to go before you guys won Dax over
that would be nice, because I do know some people who were curious about how things worked and were sad about not getting the chance to find out!
if there are machine room people who are around I can try to fit all the machine room stuff in before September 1st also
it's not as reliant on a bunch of people so it would be doable
both threads are working on tags now from what I am seeing on plurk.
it'd be nice to have an ending ooc post, uncovering stuff like that
a lot of really cool worldbuilding went into this game that i would hate for you guys to miss out on so that's definitely an option!!
oh guys I can finally post Ruana's theme song
as someone who's merely been stalking Animus on and off, I really love reading the worldbuilding stuff, and things like that scene just linked to. Would it be possible for that end-OOC-reveal-stuff post to
maybe have some handy links to logs where other worldbuilding stuff was posted too, other pieces of the puzzles and such, so that people wanting to go through it all later can do so?
like, a guide to the NPC-side plot stuff or something, almost?
I am okay with whatever. More tags would be great I just want to se an end
not even looking for something exhaustive, but at least maybe "posts tagged with THIS have more goodies" and "oh, and then this event had a ton of things pointed out too, here's when it happened/a link to it"?
I am so totally not eloquent when I've just woken up. sorry.
....how... have I not seen that page before....?
Yes, it is, thank you!
Oh my god, that song for Ruana
I can help tackle machine room things
Or no you guys seem to have that handily...
If any help is still needed tho I can do that after work
Yeah if it looks like we're headed for a specific set of actions that you need I'd just say post the ending. I would personally tag into forever but it'd be good to know how it ends
(also I wanted to know what, if any specific thing, made Dax turn. So curious!)
so I have been impatient for, if nothing else, the opportunity to ask the question I've been sitting on for a year ^^;
Also may I ask, since you guys have given indicators that we might be headed for a good ending, if there is a good ending will we get a chance to thread out any aftermath?
Assuming there is time/opportunity for such
For those of us who are interested in doing so
Good question. Even if we skip to the end, it would be nice to thread out the aftermath. Fortunately, that won't need mod involvement I would guess.
If it's everybody saying their goodbyes and such, yeah that'd probably be primarily player-driven, I'd think
yeah, the only exceptions might be if people want to talk to Zo or Aria (if they both survive to the end)
After the aftermath and game ending, I would love to know what kinds of different endings could have happened. I heard that the endings depended on which admins survived and such.
That is something I wouldn't mind knowing either! If some of them actually could have been allowed to live and still bring us to good endings or what.
There would be an opportunity to thread out aftermath, yes.
Would it be possible for Naoya to pester Aria and Zo at this point?
he can though I am going to be going to sleep. I'll hit it up tomorrow
I'd be fine with just posting the ending, tbh, since I understand that the fight may have gotten a bit overwhelming for you modfolk.
Also down with threading aftermath
I am both screaming and LOVING Ruana's theme. Shut up, Bad Apple English is awesome
But I'm with the 'Post the ending' crowd as well.
Ruana's theme is amazingt
The Touhou nut in me is laughing for just that reason
tardy member of team post the ending chiming in. i'm super on team burnout and also rl is a shit and i am NOT trying to tag from my 3ds my god
bumping this to remind everyone that we'll be making a decision by tomorrow, so if you have something to contribute please let us know!
I'm still hoping for more tags
yeah im on the id rather tag it out, but I understand if others are burned out. I mean we've been pushing the machine room thread as fast as we can so it would be nice if they at least
the machine room thing got played to completion, for the record!
came up with a plan of action, and then from there the mods could decide what the ending was
maiiau: yeah sorry I meant the actual played characters coming up with ideas
if there are enough players here participating in the fight threads who are around right now we're actually on the last section of the fight so we might be able to push it to the end
ooo that would be good, I was debating bed but will happily sacrifice sleep if it means pushing to the end
okay, based on machine room stuff, I know 100% where the end is going to go
it's just a matter of finishing up the fight and then the last thing with talking to Zo
I can't sacrifice sleep as I've work in the morning though - but I have been tagging actively on the fight thread as well
I'm around with Gilgamesh, though he's not ... active in the fight.
yeah I think it's pretty obvious that as mods we're exhausted, or at least I know I am since I've been modding over three years at this point. I feel guilty doing other stuff but I'm super tired in general
so then I don't have the energy and then I feel worse etc. We haven't worked on snowblind one bit and we're all pretty much going to take like the rest of the year off and snowblind is being pushed back and I
know we're not doing the greatest right now but all we've been getting lately is a ton of negative feedback so I know as far as things go for me it's like, I've been doing this for over three years but none
of that means anything to anyone because of this part of it
maiiau: as someone who has been in your game since the beginning, it has been wonderful and you have been brilliant, and i for one dont blame you for being exhausted
negative feedback sucks and I for one haven't minded the slowness, though I get that it has annoyed other people
Yeah, I guess it's just like, I do care about the game a lot and I know things are frustrating right now and I know I should be doing better
I guess I can at least say I have learned things from how all of this went. I JUST DON'T WANT YOU GUYS TO HAVE A TOTALLY 100% AWFUL ENDGAME OKAY
its not been 100% awful, its not even been 50% awful
I know endgame's been dragged on for ages and stuff, I just hope it didn't totally ruin everyone's entire animus experience or anything
we've definitely talked about how to better handle things for snowblind!
honestly, I would suggest in the future, though, you might want to do better keeping talk of a new game out of old game stuff. I know there are so people, correct or not, who are blaming this on
we've never actually run an endgame before so this was a new thing for us and we did not really anticipate all the bumps we hit
Mel focusing too much on hew new game.
actually we haven't touched Snowblind at all
nods yeah, it sounds like you have been far too tired to do that.
also cee has been helping out a lot with npcing, like she did the riki stuff and she's done fight threads and stuff
it hasn't ruined mine either, animus will always hold a dear place in my heart.
a terrifying twisted place... but a place nonetheless
Hasn't ruined mine, but I'm mostly watching endgame anyway. Hahaha. I do hope the ending is great.
The end has dragged, but I will still have great memories of this place. So much fun and twisted stuff happened.
/now I've tagged the thing. Mel this has been a returning-to-journal-RP game for me and I honestly couldn't have had it with a more-understanding group of mods as you guys
I can see how the Snowblind stuff could have made a bad impression on things when things were dragging. Really we realized we couldn't make Snowblind and do Animus at the same time so Animus took priority
but since I got carried away back when I was first coming up with the idea a while back and that was the last people heard of it it's my own fault for making people think it was shiny syndrome
also even if tags have been slow I have squealed in evil delight with every one of them.
Yeah, Animus has been one of the most exciting, engaging RP experiences I've had because of the effort put into the plot, worldbuilding, and the way characters could influence the story
I had fun with it. This and Mayfield I've both ridden to the end happily.
God yeah no this has absolutely not ruined Animus for me at all. This has been and always will be one of the best game experiences I've ever had
Dang, Ruana. So ruthless. XD Would it be possible for the dragon to try and act as a meatshield in this case? 'cause it would certainly try. Otherwise, I guess all he can really do is try to guard/dodge
(Definitely not underestimating her speed if it's superhuman)
dragon can give it a shot
damua: before I tag, are you going next? Just wanna make sure before I type anything
just suzaku frozen by geass and staring in horror
...nice move, Ruana
I dig it.
because Riku is gonna feel horrible
out of curiosity, is the thread with Romeo gonna be what leads to the end of part 3?
I am stalking it like crazy
Is Suzaku gonna do anything? If not, I can tag-- I just wanted to wait just in case.
Katy plurked about going to bed about an hour and a half ago, so you are probably safe to go!
ah, derp! I haven't checked my plurk timeline yet (been multitasking). Thank you for the heads up!
haha. I love fighting ruana with garviel
God if he survives he'll be a mess in endgame
Nothing but scorched flesh and hopping around on one leg more or less
ooh, nice going!
Looks like we're quite possibly at a turning point
Using the surroundings to get her was very clever
maybe make a separate plurk for that, Mel?
I will, but I'm putting up something else that goes with it first
I just wanted to link that here for people who are following this closely
oh man, I'm on the edge of my seat now *^*
god, I have no idea what's going to happen. This is so exciting