This means that the people that were supposed to be reimbursed are NOT. There is now no way to contact them.
I loved the customers. But I am not going to Emoti-Con 2015 in Indy because the management are scam artists.
Yea. It's sketchy as fuck.
A little digging shows that Emoti-Con is already the name of a seperate, legit, con.
Good people did the thing, nice try Dashcon
Yeah, but that's kind of what makes it worse. It's already established, so people would confuse the two. =/
Ahh, yes. That's fantastic about letting them know.
not to be a debbie downer, but where's the proof? people shouldn't make accusations, regardless if they're true or not
does anyone have screencaps or chat logs?
or links, if nothing else
make no mistake: i can absolutely believe these claims, but hard evidence keeps people who aren't involved out of trouble and let's the rest of us keep in the loop with some real details
On mobile, I can give links and screenshots at home. What the proof was the Indiana convention center (where they said DashCon 2015 would
be) listing Emoti-Con in March with the as their website link.
March or May. Sorry, again, on mobile.
shares 10 years ago
A couple of people have looked in to it further than I have and written blog snyopsis, most of which are accurate
A few people have referenced their "guidelines" which are basically letter for letter exact
Also, I stand by my decision to not go back when they decided to invite 4chan users, who are known for hazing tumblr... So no, I don't think it will be the super sweet, super nice people that I met at DashCon.
I believe it will be people looking for drama, looking for trouble, looking for another BallPit experience
Interesting that there's already an Emoti-Con in existence...
I love that this new thing is aimed at both Tumblr AND 4chan. ...As if getting those two communities into the same room would be a good idea.
Sounds like fun, actually.
Yeah, if you look at the fine print on the emoticon website (DashCon version anyway) it says it isn't associated.
>inviting 4chan users to anything
>let alone something called "emoti-con"
>which is targeted at tumblr users
I think they're trying to get someone killed
Same. Or something equally as horrifying.
It's a shame because the real Emoti-Con is actually a pretty awesome idea.
And the fact that the DashCon people feel this need to drag that name through the mud is pretty
Psssst, guys! You all should come to
Chessiecon in November instead! We may be a little rough around the edges because we're an older con starting from scratch,
but we know what we're doing
/cough sorry, that shameless plug is only because the disarray of DashCon embarrasses me
If it was in my area, I'd recommend the con I'm working for. LOL. But Indy is a bit outside our circle of marketing.