Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
http://grabilla.com/04903-7c8b0bea-ab6e-4e2f-9d1b-e0e842e8c4f1.png Sometimes, my decorating abilities make me laugh.
latest #8
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
Right! Now if I could have one puking on clean sheets that would be great lol
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
or my favorite one... Stepping on the power button located at the top of the computer tower, in the middle of working on something.
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
Apparently not. Funny enough, one of the cats can hit it while running at Mach 10, and never skip a beat.
Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
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