nelSie feels
15 years ago
that feelings are just self-created. be it good or bad. so, if you feel anything, you shall nt blame others..
latest #29
mscranky says
15 years ago
hmmmms. sometimes feelings are selfcreated but induced by others. dont blame others. but be aware of them if it s bad feelings.
mscranky says
15 years ago
avoid being too attached to those who make u feel this way. then you ll have better feelings.
mscranky says
15 years ago
nrf11 says
15 years ago
love is only a feeeeeeeling... lalalala
dfauraven says
15 years ago
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahaha.. bt hw to when things only matter cause it matters.. so to detached, then i wont hv things tt matter anymore?
nelSie says
15 years ago
newae wds feelings, confusing huh.. a feelings are things that have feeling
nelSie says
15 years ago
*to detach
mscranky says
15 years ago
love is only a feeling? ya ampun. rafie is going crazy alr. hahah -__-'' when u are not too attached does not = detached.
mscranky says
15 years ago
just that the things wont affect you THAT BAD. still affected but not too much. so it wont bring yr mood down tt much.
nelSie says
15 years ago
hmm.. i m made of feelers
nrf11 says
15 years ago
feelers? you are a cockroach
mscranky says
15 years ago
hwehahahaha so bad rafie.
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahaha.. feel and feel and feel. hai
@de says
15 years ago
u feel coz it matters to u. that's wad i think la..:-)
dfauraven says
15 years ago
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahahaha.. fau.. u r really desperate
Ping2012 says
15 years ago
nelly... why so emo!
JGaw says
15 years ago
so philosophical... we should be SISSS: school of information systems and social science.
JGaw says
15 years ago
nelly can write a book le. evolutionary de. eh sometimes just numb ur feelings and get by. inner peace. ohmmmmmmmmmmmm
JGaw says
15 years ago
fauz: sex addict?
dfauraven says
15 years ago
think so, haha...
@de says
15 years ago
=.= there's more to life than just that. :-))
dfauraven says
15 years ago
yup. there's foreplay too...
nelSie says
15 years ago
lol. randomness is virtue
nelSie says
15 years ago
ping, nv emo.. lol.. dont worry
nelSie says
15 years ago
lol.. wd thing is more to life
fidelisCornelia says
15 years ago
wow nelly, after today, ive realised you're a deep thinker! anws lets watch a movie together again at my house during summer! :-D
nelSie says
15 years ago
hahaha.. i thought u shud have known it long ago. yup!! move together soon!! those sad sad one okay :-D
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