15 years ago
what is the technical term for "one who raps"? is it rapper? or rappist?
latest #6
PsycoSid says
15 years ago
DominaParadiso says
15 years ago
RappER. Technically, the person on the receiving end, would be the rappEE.
DominaParadiso says
15 years ago
Same as employER, and employEE.
DominaParadiso says
15 years ago
I think you're confusing rap with rape, and assuming a rapper is a rapist. Only one 'p' there.
PinkeyeOnMyLeg was
15 years ago
joking lol:-) i know its rapper but these things just run through my head
DominaParadiso says
15 years ago
Lol I know, I just figured I'd get all technical and give a smart-ass response
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