the worst one is almost all second degree burn with massive blisters from knee to ankle
but the other one is barely even second degree! And my face is mostly alright now. Still sore and red and dry but not at all
swollen or anything. And my eyes aren't blurry now either, so overall I'm calling this healing up process a big fat success.
good work body, keep it up!
that's a compliment with many levels
you can take it to mean as many of them as you like.
[this plurk now closed for sexytimes]
You got that burned?! How much of you is burned that much?!
I am 500% serious when I say this. Please go to an urgent care at least to get it looked at. Seriously. I don't know how much of you is burned but if you have second degree on both legs from knee down at least
Fluids and potentially antibiotics depending on how bad it is
I kind of agree, are you sure you shouldn't get that looked out? that sounds very not good. I mean it's impressive as far as your ability to heal from ridiculous stuff, but still, holy shit
I mean with your track record you've probably dealt with worse but holy hell
aw it happened like a week ago guys I'm fine now. It's healing.
I had burns bad enough to need treatment once but these aren't anywhere near that so don't fret
Your body must hate you so much...
dunno but I feel really well lately, burns and concussions aside!
I'm glad you feel pretty good at the moment but damn
are you sure you're okay?
I can hear you fretting from here, you stop that. /pets
Anyway I've been asked to go along on a surf clinic in November and take a bunch of rich folks to play in Baja so I'm ecstatic at the moment
Everyone cross your fingers I can get off work so I can do this (it's a volunteer gig but whee free surf trip just for 3 hours of babysitting duty per day!)
oh man that would be fantastic! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you
THANKS I might honestly quit if they say no (because that's what adults do but also tbh it's a few weeks earlier than I'm planning to
move anyway so I honestly wouldn't feel too bad if it came down to that as a choice. Still, rather it didn't!!)
I really do need more activity besides just running and walking too I can't ever sleep lately and that's 90% cause my energy levels are
super high and I really need to burn them off. Surfing is great for that! So it's all different kinda of just exactly what I needed in my life.
Especially since I can't afford the aerial acrobatics classes this time around, hah.
...I'm rambling sorry but yes I'm burnt but happy and really excited about this and I bought lots of beautiful food today instead of
paying my phone bill again (sorry grandmother) but tomorrow is payday and I'm hoping to pay off most of what I had to borrow to see
the doc for the concussion and then go meet with the lady who wanted me as an assistant yoga instructor here and I'm still rambling shit
Okay...I'm just a bit late to this... but WTH happened?
The burns? Got them from being stupid around the dish sanitizing machine at work! Concussion came from a combo of getting bumped by an SUV
and having heavy books fall on my head during an earthquake...and having a friend's car trunk slam on my head full force too.
/wraps you in bubble wrap
Not a lucky week, last. The good news is I'm healing up really well and I feel fine!
could you imagine walking around like that?
people would be popping those things left and right
I'd be rolling on the floor making them pop too tbh
...I have to wake up in two hours w2g self
Oh my god both of my kidneys feel sore what is this bs. Body we need to talk bro
At least I get insurance in a month or two but seriously now that's enough pls
have you been treating your kidneys well
haven't done anything to them untoward man. they're just randomly tender today it's weird. Didn't even notice til I was tightening a belt
...Yyyyup that's strange. And a little disconcerting because kidneys are serious business. Glad you're getting insurance though!
Ikr I can assure you guys in spite of having some interesting damage there back ages ago I have legit never had problems with them like this
fingers crossed it'll go away in a few days. I'll keep off painkillers and fizzy stuff...more than that oughta help!