Drew VeauDeau
10 years ago
so Arch Age.. LOVE the game play... LOATHE the wait time to get on my server.
latest #8
Tea Poop
10 years ago
Tea Poop
10 years ago
i havent even created an account yet.
10 years ago
Amen to that
10 years ago
People need to go back to WoW where the freaking came from!
Tea Poop
10 years ago
^^^ (LOL)
Drew VeauDeau says
10 years ago
I shit you not. Started in que with 4.3k people ahead of me. 4 hours later there's 175. I don't know if I have the patience for this. I thought my hour and a half wait was bad
10 years ago
I started at 5k at 3 pm :|
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