ChaosFear asks
10 years ago
Can anyone provide me with links to free themes, or better yet, help me with mine? tyvm
latest #13
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
Well that was a fail by me, for wordpress I meant rry!, thanks though!
10 years ago
oooh lol
10 years ago
it's ok :-P
Pocket Lola
10 years ago
you can do a search in wordpress when looking for themes aka customizing your site.
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
Yeah I have a couple
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
thanks though :-)
Pocket Lola
10 years ago
what was wrong with the one you had before? it was nice
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
meh i dont know
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
m just picky
Pocket Lola
10 years ago
well I know this about you :-P but that layout was seriously the best one I have seen it was perfect for your blogging style
ChaosFear says
10 years ago
I'll try and make it pretty again.
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