amarcian: like i get the feeling you're meant to play jude's side before milla's and so there was a lot i was just. really confused about even after the game ended
i wish there was a note that explains that playing jude's side first is recommended. i seriously don't understand why there isn't because seeing it from jude's pov? explains a LOT more
like a huge thing happens w/ alvin they don't show on milla's, leia and agria and presa and alvin all have major development, jude has major development
ALSO like... i'm kinda disappointed in the latter parts of milla's storyline bc i don't think we really ever see her actually react to the fact that her life and her mission was based on a lie?
xillia my favorite game (actually, xillia 2 is, but yknow it wouldn't exist without xillia obviously) and i care about these characters immensely and it gets a lot of things right
amarcian: i was super worried at one point though that they were going to start really pushing the whole milla/jude/leia triangle and ughhhhh i'm just glad it didn't get any worse than it already was