bye legion...
we didn't save you for this!11
shhh that part was deleted for dramatic timing reasons
the mystery is finally resolved
no double triple legion fakeout...
nooooooooo why legion whyyyy =(
we agreed on this guys legion was going to be the last one standing =(
so who gonna find the body
these ??? people must be stopped
now we need to wrap miko in aluminum foil
"We can wrap you up, so when you explode your pieces stay together or...!"
it's ok as long as the pieces stay together...
sizlaria is there aluminum foil in the mess hall?
also do we have any blades
sure there's aluminum foil and knives
god the funny thing about this to me is
yesterday everybody hated Miko because she was the obnoxious pushy faux-leader
and now she's about to die and suddenly she's the most popular person in the park
okay miko we're wrapping you in aluminum foil
since aluminum foil can block electromagnetic signals
sizlaria I'm assuming nothing would happen right
nothing we do is going to save Miko
I'm still half tempted to get her hand cut off though
look you never know what aluminum foil might do
Aluminum foil will keep away the aliens.
it will make the worst obituary pic
miko will look fancy before she dies
quick miko run somewhere restricted and tell us what's there
do all the stupid plans, leave an interesting corpse
yeah you can cut off her hand