10 years ago
Bad night
latest #14
10 years ago
idk, just series of fuckups trying to close the store tonight after finally feeling comfortable and like i knew what i was doing. then i spilled a drink in my managers purse. and my car leaked so the inside of
10 years ago
my car was drenched.
10 years ago
augh :-( i'm sorry
;; God that sounds like a lot of awful things at once, I'm sorry that it all piled up on you.
10 years ago
I somehow took too much money out of one of the registers, god knows which one, for the deposit, then had too much money, then we didn't have time to figure out which register it was from, and it was just
10 years ago
embarrassing and frustrating because i had felt like i was finally on top of it all and felt comfortable. uuuuugh
10 years ago
bluuuh but thank you guys oTL
Mistakes happen! ;3; So try not to beat yourself up over it too much if you can. It does suck when you feel like you have everything under control and it's smooth sailing and then something has to go wrong.
10 years ago
ubuhbuhbuh oTL I'm just glad I was with the chill manager. The other two I've been training really stress me out. They stand right on top of me when I'm counting and the co-manager has talked to me like i'm 4
10 years ago
the whole time. :/;;;; Like, I know I'll be fine, I just want to do good now so they wont regret their choice
YEAH BEING HOVERED OVER DOESN'T REALLY MAKE ANYTHING EASIER...hopefully the rest of the training period is swift and painless ;v;
10 years ago
Thanks!!! And yeah, me too!!!
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