Things that are never sensible ideas: Taking a Junji Ito break
latest #24
i can hear my tap dripping and I'm scared
I don't know why, but I have the fear
when you're all geared up for unnerving things
on a lighter note, he also wrote a small story about moving in with his fiancee and her two cats, in his usual horror style
That's an accurate representation of most people's reaction to cats though, isn't it?
I'm going to have to allow the rest of that to seep into my brain eventually.
Did I ever tell you that I made Kat watch Uzumaki before we moved out to Vancouver, and then the house we moved into had the manga version of it just mysteriously amongst all of the shitty romcom DVD's left
behind by the old tenants?
I have been trying to sneak it into her reading collection but she keeps managing to avoid it. X3
When you gotta evil you just gotta evil!
I'm seriously considering being evil big sister and buying baby sis some Junji Ito books for christmas
Got to show I love her <3
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