10 years ago
latest #7
10 years ago
Tonight is one of those nights that I wonder if anyone would notice if I just vanished.
10 years ago
I mean they would probably notice at work when they realized that there was no one there to answer the phones or make appointments, but they would probably just wonder why I wasn't at work.
10 years ago
I checked my e-mail for the first time in over a week and didn't have any, I haven't gotten a phone call or text anytime recently.
10 years ago
I never realized that it was usually mom that I talked to every weekend, that no one else really ever had time to talk.
10 years ago
The couple across the hall that I would cook for every so often moved and the place is vacant.
10 years ago
In fact the apartment next to and above me are empty too. So it's not like anyone would hear anything.
10 years ago
But I have the next two days off, so I think I'm going to go to Universal tomorrow or maybe go out to the beach. I haven't really had a fun day in a long time.
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