Notorious One
10 years ago
Excuse me while I tear my hair out.
latest #9
Notorious One
10 years ago
I do love my Mum. She's amazing really but she thinks its cute to drive up to Melbourne to stay for a couple of days for a surprise visit
Notorious One
10 years ago
The great part is that all she wants to do is take Jordan and then I can actually clean my house and feel like I'm more productive than being a walking Milk Bar but shit woman
Notorious One
10 years ago
Call first and then I can make sure that my house doesnt look like a bomb has gone off before you get here
Notorious One
10 years ago
Because she starts cleaning the moment she gets through the door which is sweet but I feel like a guilty asshole for not having done it myself
Notorious One
10 years ago
And I havent touched my tags since she got here but she's heading back home in a few hours so I can do things when that happens
10 years ago
10 years ago
Remember lol Wooooosah
Notorious One
10 years ago
Wooo saaaaaaaah
Notorious One
10 years ago
I did that in front of Greg and he gave me the weirdest look. I just patted him on the back and gave him a Nevermind deat
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