Tempted to abandon Traycie in favor of RPing as Shawn, because I really like Shawn. Her and KITT sassing each other is like KITT sassing himself.
latest #13
O_O Do you have any idea how long I've been longing for a Shawn? Do you? Do you???
Who likes Shawn besides me? NOBODY, that's who
Where have you been all my life?!?
I have been YEARNING to explore that relationship
I may have to fall over in a dead faint now
Or maybe I'll just shout SHAWWWWWWWN dramatically into the void of space
LMAO Oh my god I'm so happy about this. I fucking love Shawn. And I love the potential that she and KITT have.
It was left wide open, but they had so much chemistry! And just... just...
I'll totally be your Shawn man, SAY THE WORD. We should come up with a starting point or some sort.
Ugh, why am I awake this early on a Saturday? I'm going back to bed - AFTER I SAY THE WORD
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