10 years ago
if you've been in SL for over 5 years, are you still pretty active in it? I signed up in 2005 & I barely get on now. I know is a good thing but I miss everyone. Plurk even seems lonely now. =/ miss you guys
latest #14
10 years ago
Been since 2005 and rarely myself. I just haven't found anything worth doing in it. I interact with friends/family on skype/plurk/other games. I don't blog or create so I have nothing keeping me latched in
10 years ago
I don't even get on skype anymore and plurk has been reallllllly quiet. No WoW for me either lol I luckily have some close people on fb I get to talk to but I kinda miss the olden days.
Been in since 2008. I like to fool myself that my work schedule has kept me away.
10 years ago
Been around since 08 I find all the time there is no real reason to log on. There is never anything exciting that goes on so I end up enjoying rl more.
7 years 10 months and on everyday.
☆Josey☆ says
10 years ago
Been on 10+ years (started in Beta), and I find myself still playing but only a day or so a week. I get times where I play more, but that fades within a month or so.
10 years ago
Miss you too.
10 years ago
Rl is better!
ℜợυ says
10 years ago
Been since 2008 , I have had my long breaks Bc of my RL store which kept me away for 2 years and was in only once a month, an excuse too to avoid the huge drama that happened back then but now
ℜợυ says
10 years ago
I'm very active in sl , have found things to do and I enjoy my time with family and friends , my weekends I'm off or holidays if I'm away,but the rest days I'm online! I guess the fact I had my break
ℜợυ says
10 years ago
For a full year and then rarely on for another one is why I'm still here idk
10 years ago
Been on since 06 and now I barely come on a few times a month.
10 years ago
I been addicted to this archeage game lol
10 years ago
I joined SL in 2006 and haven't logged in (except to cash out) in over a year....and prior to that, there were about 2 years where I rarely logged in. I find RL much more fun and stimulating these days.
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