Little Kitten says
9 years ago
Keep having tightenings that are making me walk like John Wayne because there's so much pressure. Dunno if it's just the next stage of Braxton Hicks (been getting them since about week 25) or if I should be
latest #10
Little Kitten says
9 years ago
monitoring them...
Little Kitten says
9 years ago
Not become a regular thing now, every 20 minutes or more apart at the min and nothing that is really knocking me for 6 just a bit more uncomfortable than the Braxton Hicks have been D:
Little Kitten says
9 years ago
Ooh only just saw your replies to this. I am 37 weeks, nearly 28 and they are pretty painful now but still not regular or intense enough for me to be super concerned. Just keeping an eye on things now.
Little Kitten says
9 years ago
Yeye, I have the medicom numbers at the ready in case it starts getting more intense but I figure if I can sleep through them then it's not labour lol.
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