9 years ago
Finally watching the new ep of Tokyo Ghoul..why is everyone sexy?????? EVEN YOU SHUU STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW.
latest #8
9 years ago
Uta just shoves his hands through a guy. What a beast. Also i need a Yomo to hang off of, can someone get me that?
9 years ago
Kaneki's being a beast and all, but lets be real. his clothes would be gone for how shredded they'd be
i still need to finish that anime oops...
9 years ago
haha. It deviates from the manga a bit, and i've heard it's slated to move a bit further from it. perhaps correct the 'mistake' that pissed everyone off?
9 years ago
they left out kaneki's time with aogiri leading up to the rescue it makes no sense when he's like "touka, im going with them. later loser. "
9 years ago
As an aside, the translation of the manga is really bad...I'm about yae sure the place im reading it is the 'official' published one.
fff i usually try out the anime and if i get super into it i peek at the manga and try that out
9 years ago
Thats a good route with this one. The animes good (freaking gorgeous) but the manga is better. Think the opposite of SNK
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