Victor1st says
9 years ago
latest #7
Samm Florian
9 years ago
I can see doin' both: a gacha and a normal vendor. But that way is jes crazy dumb.
Magda K
9 years ago
40 items? In one gatcha? That seems ludicrous to me. I hope that is a rare occurrence.
Garnet Psaltery
9 years ago
It's a plague.
Samm Florian
9 years ago
One thing 'bout gachas, izzat they only work in-world. So mebbe they help folks justify keepin' in-world shops to themselves, instead of jes movin' everything onto the Marketplace.
Samm Florian
9 years ago
(Total guessin' here, mindya. )
Magda K
9 years ago
sammflorian: Perhaps, but 40 items in one gatcha appears to be gaming the system, if the odds of getting a rare item increase with the total number of items.
Magda K
9 years ago
And unless the seller/maker only makes one type of item, it's bad taxonomy. :-P
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