Please everyone note they do not yet have all the "typical" features people expect in rp networks. It's coming but this is new tech. However, you can now get a phone and use it for either making
calls or texting your buddies all day. They are also not at all free. Moogles are money-grubbing mercenaries and they are gonna milk you for as much as they can.
They're also ridiculously pushy peddlers in this case because they're just dying to get everyone addicted (and to make up for the initial outlay of cost making them).
can we retroactively say that a character sold their phone to the moogles?
I forgot to actually write it down anywhere that Yuffie did but she def will have
yep! on the check in post there's a link to comment to say your character sold their phone
just comment to that and everything will be okay