9 years ago
[teleios] Thinking aloud about the event for deciding whether I want in... (Feel free to chip in!)
latest #8
9 years ago
(A little related: for some reason it always takes me a day or so to warm up to events. Why do I now hate change?)
9 years ago
Mostly at the moment I'm just laughing at the idea of my cast of shorties swapping taller. Audrey's my tallest at 5'4".
9 years ago
Speaking of Audrey: A) would underlying Mara go with? B] haha body swap is a canon Trouble later on
9 years ago
I've been half-thinking about event whammying her some time to make her go "BUT MAH IMMUNITY??" and I guess something less serious
9 years ago
(personality altering, betraying your friends) like this would probably work well for that
9 years ago
Johanna would have fun being taller but wouldn't want to see her own body out of control, the hypocrite, so, potential
9 years ago
Kai. Tricky one. Time to play everyone? Muck around with powers if any? Would probably just have fun with it and cope better than my girls.
9 years ago
Now that I think about it, might just give Jo a break to just laugh at people after everyone (correctly) distrusting her last event.
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