9 years ago
[tomb raider] HAHAHAHAHAHA issue 13 Josses part of the novel
latest #13
9 years ago
namely: "get help. professional help."
9 years ago
SHE ALREADY WAS IN THE NOVEL HAHAHAHAHA not that it was shown on screen but it kept bringing up techniques she'd learnt in therapy on how to manage her anxiety
9 years ago
I obviously didn't expect great attention to continuity between them but they kept insisting both are in continuity and then shot themselves in the foot (LOL)
9 years ago
(I loved this issue, but I'm mostly amused by this)
9 years ago
the novel is supposed to be before the comics, and the "get help" bit was not a flashback
And one would (hopefully) assume that Rhianna Pratchett's writing takes precedence over whomever wrote the novel when it comes to canonocity
9 years ago
if I try hard enough I can fanwank it as Lara not wanting to admit to Uncle Douchebag that she has been getting help, but I'd expect that to have more "I have been, you bastard" internal monologue
9 years ago
okay I'm mostly done gloating over the continuity snarl, so now onto other good things in this issue: Lara having a job?! and parkour training afterhours haha. I am Mister Sauce. CUPCAKE FIGHTING.
9 years ago
Sam once again saving a voyage! with the thing she's good at!!! good enough for Tribeca apparently!!
9 years ago
I'm actually willing to accept the did you see his body? no handwave because at least this is someone I know and care about! (ie. Kaz now appears to be an Alex replacement.)
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