first of all, I got Dragon Ball Kai blu-rays for christmas and LET ME TELL YOU
and the subtitles are really, really good? like funi was not fucking around
there were multiple instances where I went, "wow, I would not have thought of that way to translate that, that sounds good"
and they kept the original names (Kuririn, Yamucha, No. 16, the whole shebang) in the subtitles as well
also I almost had a cry about 16
big teenage robot loves nature!!
Revival of F.... I am still excited for
I am very "meh" on Freeza's new form, if that is indeed the form he's been hyping
but also I didn't expect something SUPER INCREDIBLE to begin with, so it hasn't dampened my anticipation really
they used Maximum the Hormone's F right before the made-for-the-movie super cutesy jpop song (by Very Not MtH) in the new trailer, which is always fun
XENOVERSE LOOKS FUN. it looks like a good time for DBZ fans. I was looking for a good time! I am a DBZ fan!!
probably will be getting it at the end of the year with a PS4
"what do you want for christmas" "I want the dragon balls" "again???"
if I collect all of the christmas balls I get a christmas wish
I've been watching the TFS playthrough, but also notable is Vinny's
Pinto Bean
in the end when I get it I will make two characters. first one will be either a saiyan or human female and with Japanese voices. second will be a dude with GHOST NAPPA VOICE-- I mean, Voice 08
with English voices. HAVE NOT BEEN super-impressed by the voicework in the game thus far, though. they didn't get the whole new funi cast for it, did they? like I know some are, but
I think a lot are different people..... I will double-check this sometime
grabby hands for new movie and xenoverse oh man
MY FAVORITE THING THOUGH, my favorite about the whole franchise
America never got Yo! Son Goku and Friends Return!!
but Tarble is in the video games that follow
he has a dub video game voice
HOW MANY PEOPLE JUST SAW HIM IN THE GAME AND WENT "who the fuck, what the fuck"
I dunno man, I sort of figure if you're enough of a DB fan to know a lot but aren't enough to look up what japanese stuff came out, you just sort of roll with it
"yeah sure ok, tarble. is he like broly"
yeah but all those guys who grew up on THE DUB
"oh hey cool a game, i loved this show, i should... who the fuck is that"

watching the quicklook and hearing vinny have fun is great. I love vinny having a good time