9 years ago
does anyone know why we started calling them "tags"? considering we've had the label type of tag around for so long i just have to wonder why we'd use the same word for two different things
latest #17
9 years ago
I always sort of assumed it had to do with the game of tag
9 years ago
like, "TAG, you're it!" ?
9 years ago
oooh, that makes sense! lol, so just a really unfortunate coincidence really
Darth Imperious
9 years ago
Yeah, I and someone else would announce 'tag' in IRC when we'd RP together. Especially if notifs were being wonky.
9 years ago
i used to do forum stuff and chat with folks on aim but we didn't use that terminology for whatever reason
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
Yeah, it's definitely a TAG, YOU'RE IT thing /o/ haha back in the days of talking on AIM a lot people either would say TAG if they finished a tag to whoever they were talking to -
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
- or would get really annoyed about it and that would be something people took to like RPS or the anon meme
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
I've weaned myself off off it for the most part but it's why I always have that urge to gush about tags right after I do them
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
cause it was never just "tag!" it was
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
"TAG 8 ))))" as you waited for their horrible reaction or tears
Billie Sue 🌻 says
9 years ago
or at least it was in all the circles I was in
9 years ago
i remember saying tag to folks back when eway aim chat was a thing
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