9 years ago
Also, I've been meaning to do this for a while, so I'm just gonna put this out there. I no longer RP at all. I still have love it (and y'all), but making videos has sort of taken over my life.
latest #15
9 years ago
Plus I may have a job soon. With all that, RPing has been put on hold indefinitely.
9 years ago
And I know many of you friended me here on Plurk because of RPing. So with me acknowledging that I have no intention of RPing again in the foreseeable future, it stands to reason many of you no longer have...
9 years ago
Aww okie
9 years ago
...a reason to be friends with me. So I want to give you the chance to defriend me if that is what you want.
9 years ago
You don't have to, and I will only defriend back. But my plurks from now on will only pertain to RL and video stuff, which many of you may not be interested in.
9 years ago
So if you haven't been able to politely walk away before, now is your chance. ^_^ No hard feelings, I understand that with RPing gone, we may have nothing else in common.
9 years ago
It happens, and I will wish you all the best no matter what. You don't even have to respond here, just do it and go on with your life.
9 years ago
Either way, I like where my life is going right now, despite the lack of RP. So that's not going to change anytime soon. But it's your choice. ^_^<3
9 years ago
Pfft. I'm here without the rp
9 years ago
XD We've become like livestreaming buddies.
9 years ago
we have!
9 years ago
and we still need to do a game together sometime
I'll always follow you~
I'm your worst stalker
9 years ago
Thank you both. <3
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