9 years ago
Getting software open and set up for my test stream. Anyone who wants to come say hi, you're more than welcome. I'll be playing Minecraft, but mostly just to test how much my computer can handle it all.
latest #6
9 years ago
Okay, thiiiiink I have everything running? OBS is being a CPU hog as always, but I'll try it first. XSplit will come after.
9 years ago
Starting stream in a minute! Come say hi!
9 years ago
RageBoxAlice for those that don't know
9 years ago
Done streaming with OBS. Starting with Xsplit after I eat. Chat was silent for the first part. Wondering if I'm just not cut out for streaming...
9 years ago
Round 2 starting soon, this time with XSplit. Still welcome to come out and say hi if y'all want. <3
9 years ago
And done. I think one person showed up. Thank you, whoever it was. I'm off for now. o/
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