9 years ago
latest #48
9 years ago
9 years ago
9 years ago
Red Cross hadn't set anything up at the time of the original plurk on rowanon's timeline
9 years ago
(before and after pic of Dharahara tower)
9 years ago
Replurks are 1000% fine, please get the word out if you feel compelled. This is a major disaster tolling more than a thousand deaths already, many of them in Kathmandu.
i haven't seen much news about this anywhere. thank you for compiling a few things.
9 years ago
Yeah I can't figure out why no one is talking about this. It's a major disaster...
annie, fall
9 years ago
I donated to World Food earlier, I hope people who have any little bit to give and are able to will consider so strongly
9 years ago
Yeah I could only do a small donation right now but hopefully making people aware does help. It really hasn't made as much news as I would expect yet
9 years ago
So I think a lot if people honestly don't know
smol rainbow
9 years ago
given how wide the news coverage is, i'm surprised more people aren't aware
smol rainbow
9 years ago
all the major news outlets were talking about it all day, it's baffling how little response the charities have gotten....
smol rainbow
9 years ago
(cnn says the death toll is now closing in on 2k, and expected to rise further. this is devastating.)
9 years ago
Thanks for the list. I'll make a donation.
9 years ago
And yeah no one at work wanted to talk about it.
smol rainbow
9 years ago
given the recent high profile volcano eruptions i'll bet a lot of people are scared to talk about it. volcanos, earthquakes, the ring of fire is getting active's scary.
smol rainbow
9 years ago
for some people it's less frightening to pretend it's not happening.
annie, fall
9 years ago
It is! There's a lot of scary stuff going on, and some people do respond that way. I just hope we'll also see those who don't shut down having a good response, and those who are scared finding a way
smol rainbow
9 years ago
yeah, i hope so, too! oxfam is a really good organization, so i'm happy to throw money at them--i know i can trust them to get it where it's most needed
annie, fall
9 years ago
Yes! Which is doubly good, hearing votes of trust about any of the organizations
smol rainbow
9 years ago
unicef also has a good reputation and a strong history
smol rainbow
9 years ago
i'd personally stay away from red cross international as there's been a fair amount of doubt cast of them in recent years, but oxfam and unicef tend to do a lot of work "on the ground"
9 years ago
I agree with aloof those statement and add that Rowan (the guy who made the original plurk and asked sineone to do a public timeline version) researched all charities linked here first
9 years ago
With the exception of world food, which was offered up by KC who also always does her research.
9 years ago
I mentioned Red Cross not having a fun specifically so no one would mistakenly try to donate there, and yes, there have also been controversies there so thanks for all of that info too
9 years ago
It really helps when there's confirmation of where is God to donate to so I appreciate you guys taking the time to help sort that out
Actually the Nepal Red Cross does have a thing going but since power is in and out in Nepal, so's their website, if anybody wondered why the Red Cross seems quiet.
I know I did because the Red Cross is usually the people you hear from first.
9 years ago
Thanks so much for putting this up! I should probably go ahead and make my own public account for replurkable things, but yeah.
9 years ago
Thank you.
9 years ago
Thanks for the clarification and the promote! (And you're always welcome Rowan.)
9 years ago
BBC update death toll now 3000+ but so much aid coming in that they're having trouble
9 years ago
Landing all the aircraft!
I guess too much of a good thing is a problem but I'm still glad that that's the problem they're having!
9 years ago
Doctors Without Borders/MSF is also sending medical aid and another great organization to donate to
9 years ago
I know, right? I had hardly heard anyone talking about it outside news reports so I'm glad people are still aware and helping!
9 years ago
Thanks for the update Rowan!
9 years ago
Red Cross has a page
9 years ago
Yeah, World Food Programme was talking about and showing organization of getting aide into warehouses and out again for distribution at the airport, and also doing satellite pinpointing of heavily
9 years ago
impacted areas where people needed the most aid, etc
9 years ago
I'd be happier to send money to Oxfam if they didn't waste hundreds of dollars a year mailing me crap to try and get me to give more money.
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