9 years ago
came home to find one of the cats (lookin atchoo, louie) had extracted my french lenormand from the latched cabinet and placed it in the middle of the floor. (unsure)
latest #10
9 years ago
this after i'd had a microsleep episode at work in which i'd seen tarot cards and startled back to my desk thinking of the 8 of coins. (thinking)
9 years ago
but there isn't a 8P in a lenormand deck. heh.
9 years ago
cat is broken; send new cat
Nanknits says
9 years ago
Was he trying to do a reading for you?
9 years ago
maybe! but, suspiciously, there is a pony bead missing from the end of the ties so i suspect he had other motives.
Nanknits says
9 years ago
(eyeroll) Can he open drawers?
9 years ago
apparently. (LOL) this was behind a latched cabinet door.
9 years ago
it's been there for months, i don't know why he needed to play with it right now.
Nanknits says
9 years ago
I had a cat once that could open doors. He would always run out any opened door, so we took to putting him in the bathroom when we brought in groceries. That worked until he learned how the doorknob worked.
9 years ago
pretty sure the lou knows how doorknobs work, but he's so far been unable to work them without thumbs.
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