i can't stop thinking about how fun it'd be to rita it up in drift fleet....
latest #26
i totally don't have a leaning for young genius mages, what are you even talking about
i have noooo idea what you mean by that
b-but honestly... i read the premise and everything and i just feel like it's a wonderful place for her
part of me is like "but the symphonia cast" because symphonia but i have a feeling that might burn me out quickly since i haven't felt that pull to replay it or re-immerse lately
even if i know the canon like the back of my hand weeps
9 years ago
9 years ago
you enabler you
i just really love the idea of rita mechanic'ing it up, maybe it'd start small like just the upkeep, but she has bigger plans lmao
i feel like it'd be a really cool environment to dump her in
plus everyone loves tsun angry 15 year old girls right...
--oh i didnt check what the AC is like
9 years ago
9 years ago
AC is super easy
like a post a month ? or
a comment count?
oh, looking into it right now
not bad!
that makes it good especially for the more antisocial characters who wont always broadcast (or not having to look for 'accidental' ways to broadcast constantly lmao)
mmm oh
how does magic-using and stuff like that work generally? would it be easier to depower than to just have someone walking around able to cast pretty big spells?...
maybe i can just depower her to her basic spells
i really don't have a type, whatchu talkin about
honestly though a part of me would kill to see those two interact lmao
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