Tho' if he's trying to seduce him into the EU then HAHA no.
B-But hasn't Germany embarrassed himself enough already?
...I didn't think I'd ever say that sentence and mean it.
Germany has never embarrassed himself enough. Never.
Hm. You make a compelling argument.
I guess I'll have Germany drop his condom in the middle of the Meme, then, and see what happens.
Insert one judgey Norwegian here.
Between Denmark not recycling and Germany dropping his condoms, Norway has a lot to judge, doesn't he?
Exactly. 8 ) and if he didn't, he'd go out and /find/ something to be judgey about.
Hm. He can always judge the Meme for being too slow!
Or for being taken over by the ghost of james joyce
A-Are you talking about the Anon obsessed with farts?
Are we going to get a love letter featuring America farting now?
I wouldn't put it past them.
Maybe they'll eventually stop. Like chubbu!Russia wanker.
Maybe the Meme's going to get another cake as an apology.
Ugh, I wish they'd just go awaayyyyyyy
I don't really mind them, I just wish they'd stop with the fart jokes. And whoever's continuously posting poop-related truth and dares.
Well, yeah, like, if they didn't post that gross stuff, then it'd be the same as if they left, because the stuff that bugs me wouldn't be there. 6_9
Or ffs, keep it to a kink thread where it belongs [/shakes hairbrush]
Just, please keep it to where the people who don't like it can scroll past it.
Nnnnnnnot gonna happen. ALAS.
How did this Plurk go from monster condoms to fart jokes.
I kind of want to say brain fart, but...