9 years ago
[work] so i'm putting together stuff for my comp classes this semester and i figured i'd put the word out here asking for suggestions for readings!
latest #9
9 years ago
specifically, i'm looking for examples to give my students before my "boring object" essay assignment, which essentially asks them to take some normal thing and make it interesting through--
9 years ago
outside research
9 years ago
and also possibly interesting personal narrative stuff
9 years ago
my mentor used this ted talk as an example: How I learned to stop worrying and love "useles...
9 years ago
and i am reading an essay another prof uses when she does this assignment that talks about laundry, both through her own experiences and through really interesting research (like apparently--
9 years ago
soap was invented by women who figured out that their clothes were getting cleaner because of run off from sacrifice sites so they were like hey animal fat sweet)
9 years ago
but yes anybody ever read anything that might fall under this idea? buzzfeed and such works just as well as anything else
9 years ago
i ain't no snob
9 years ago
(my concerns with these examples i already have are their lengths and how much of them is personal narrative, btw)
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