so you know that "draw your otp making out while their third wheel best friend sips from a cup" meme?
I wanna see that with Miyako/Io and Daichi as the third wheel best friend
Except since I blew all my extra money on dyeing my hair, I can't afford to pay the artist I want to commission for it
tmw you're daichi shijima and the girl you have the hots for has the hots for the other girl you have the hots for
So I'm seriously considering writing it, since I can kind of write okay
but the thing with writing it is
the joy of that meme comes from the visual medium in which it's represented
the entire situation is understood all at once
a drawing is visceral and instant
it'd be like writing any visual meme.......which is just awkward
by the time the set up is done, the reader has already anticipated the ending. the punchline is delivered before it arrives
such is the power of memes
one could attempt to subvert and use the reader's expectation against them, but that runs the risk of alienating the reader as well, as their intent and expectation gets brutally crushed by the author's whims
and if you see it that way, yamato's already focused on bunny/alcor/both
it'd be like writing a reaction gif or can't do it
Sonica: daichi will never get the lady. when he gets a chance...another lady pops up and steals the first away
chlorophylls: yeah, some things just aren't doable in text! But I keep thinking... Could I pull it off.
i feel so bad laughing at his pain because daichi is actually such a wonderful young man and yet here i am
Could I devote a tremendous amount of work and energy and editing to pull off a meme.
go admin route, bunny, and scream at your ship not forming
bunny abuses admin powers to create the strangest rpf kink meme on lj. gets yelled at for putting it on lj instead of dw by anons
he can sit with overlord/messiah catphones over their ships not forming
the pain of their otps never being canon... poor dears
> yfw the anons are other Aminds
"human admin go homewwwwww"
other admins shitting on bunny's ships
well that kink meme's gonna get trolled to hell and back and then nuked