He's totally not salty or anything about his movie flopping, right?
...hmm, I wonder if the good ponies of equestria would mind too much if a certain pony went missing... permanently...
(don't mind me, I'm just pondering aloud from the other side of the fourth wall)
I can honestly say I haven't seen Nephenee this angry in a long time...
Naomi's not suspicious because of her own history with the legal system noooo... not at allll
...Look. I've only had one muse in MLJ who wouldn't jump to the 'kill him' solution.
And I'm not sure Allen's solution would be nicer.
she's not joking about the tea...
what, Moses would have jumped to 'kill him'?
...Moses is pretty violent.
You mess with something he cares about, you get the business end of his spear.
It's. Uh. Probably important to note that he's a veteran of an incredibly nasty war, too.
lol get that boy back in here Neph needs nasty war bros
Pfffff. We'll. See how I feel with the new medicine I'm using for my joints.
I haven't really had the energy for someone as gung-ho as him lately.