holoche says
15 years ago
點解會上唔到Facebook 架??? :-o :-o :-o
latest #84
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
it said that Account Disabled
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
我最怕佢張我account delete jor, 咁我再唔會玩FB la
chlorine says
15 years ago
there is something wrong about you. you really completely disappeared.
chlorine says
15 years ago
send an email to facebook admin to ask ask
chlorine says
15 years ago
send to this email: [email protected]
holoche says
15 years ago
tks , i had check fm anothers, 我給蒸發掉....
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
let me find you sin
chlorine says
15 years ago
So contact facebook and see what's wrong.
chlorine says
15 years ago
any way your password got exposed and hacked by someone and do something wrong and make facebook disabled you?
holoche says
15 years ago
no ah
holoche says
15 years ago
i had not do anything
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
老邪, 我check過你不在我friend list
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
i send mail to FB la ,
holoche says
15 years ago
佢話check woo
holoche says
15 years ago
我yesterday 係upload jor ah ken 's album on Hot under G ma , 咁都做我野?
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
ken's album stii in HOT Under?
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
no ah , just a phoyo G ma
holoche says
15 years ago
u saw it before?
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
ken's album still in HOT Under?
holoche says
15 years ago
just a photo
holoche says
15 years ago
becuz FB send a link :www.facebook.com/terms.p...
holoche says
15 years ago
我just upload a photo, and add jor 個App yesterday G ma
holoche says
15 years ago
App 叫閃卡收藏家
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
還是你up個張相違反了 以上載、張貼、傳送、分享、儲存或以其他方式使任何干犯、教唆或提供構成刑事罪行或侵犯任何一方利益之資訊
holoche says
15 years ago
so , u still can find out the photo on HotUnder group?
holoche says
15 years ago
i just want to know
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
我 check check now
holoche says
15 years ago
照計唔會格, 只係童安格CD cover G ma
holoche says
15 years ago
仲係好舊ge tim
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
就係因為張相太out, 所以要out你
holoche says
15 years ago
oo, u can see?
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
no ar, haha FB轉了版面後, 其實我搵唔到群組的入口
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
我已經好努力搵緊, 但未搵到
holoche says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
咁奇嘅, 真係無左群組的BUTTON
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
睇下App 個edit 果到有冇? if find , 起setting bookmark 番佢就得
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
左下, 無喎
holoche says
15 years ago
i mean APP.
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
nevermind la , maybe me and FB broke up la
holoche says
15 years ago
sorry about i waste your time
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
Application應用程式, 我搵過無
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
你無嘥我時間, 我都想搵番群組
holoche says
15 years ago
App 內有EDit, see?
holoche says
15 years ago
ckick it
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
同埋我發現, 我朋友總數係87, 而家顯示得85, 無左你減一,應該係86, 我唔知仲有個朋友唔見左
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
play FB
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
我搵到群組喇 :-)
holoche says
15 years ago
我try 過, 果個咪係jim law
holoche says
15 years ago
起setting 到bookmark 番佢出嚟
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
哦, 占唔玩fb?
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
而家有野睇, 但無你張相
holoche says
15 years ago
唔通係個Group 比人off jor??
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
我search過Jim, 原來真係唔見左佢
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
fb server今日癲左, 我個主頁而家橫變直
holoche says
15 years ago
jim 起 setting 可能隱藏自己jor , 佢account 應該仲起到
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
無呀, jim已不再我fb friend list
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
holoche says
15 years ago
oo, 佢set jor 睇唔到ca jac
holoche says
15 years ago
佢可以set 只post 野but 唔收野ca ma
holoche says
15 years ago
becuz 佢use mobile 上FB 多ah
holoche says
15 years ago
佢講過收野煩, 我都應該cannot find him in list
Trendyriver says
15 years ago
唔收野, 淨POST野, 不如玩BLOG啦
holoche says
15 years ago
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