9 years ago
Zeira has joined Fairy Tail. All official like. Mavis invited her, which is all she was waiting for. ;;;
latest #28
9 years ago
The day would be perfect, if Mavis hadn't casually mentioned that she wasn't interested in girls. Not secret fact: Zeira totally loves Mavis
9 years ago
this was made somewhat graphically clear. ;
Moved To...
9 years ago
Whoooo~ That's great!
Princess Emily
9 years ago
nooo Mavis why
9 years ago
deerleisure: I don't knowwwww. ;;;; Zeira's response was basically to look away and stare at the ground.
9 years ago
Doomed love. ;;; \
9 years ago
...Well, now Mavis needs to decide where to put the mark. The obvious place would be over her heart, but she's worried about people being able to see it
Princess Emily
9 years ago
(that's why my pan Mavis headcanon is best)
9 years ago
She is considering her hand, or something. But, dang it, she is the fairy of Mavis's heart, she should have the fairy tail mark on her heart......
9 years ago
(Definitely best. Really, I just want Zeira to be happy ;; )
9 years ago
NavigatorToTheKing: faerietail: Where would Levy or Wendy recommend????? :|a\
Wendy would say the same place/exact opposite of where Mavis's is even though I don't think it's known where her guild mark is Or someplace where it can easily be seen (because Fairy Tail pride!!)
Like on her arm or hand
Moved To...
9 years ago
if she doesn't wear shoes you can put it on her foot
Moved To...
9 years ago
just sayin
9 years ago
NavigatorToTheKing: ....SPOILERS FOR FT 0 BUT
9 years ago
The reason Mavis doesn't wear shoes
dragon8writer is
9 years ago
because Zeira's father stole her shoes, and gave them to Zeira - and then Zeira declared them stinky because they were Mavis's, and they threw the shoes away
9 years ago
.....................Zeira wasn't any nicer than the rest of the people in Mavis's life, until Mavis sort of turned her around. ;;;;;;;;;
9 years ago
But. Yeah. Zeira wears shoes.\
9 years ago
Maybe she can get the symbol on her ankle, though. >,> In honor of Mavis.
9 years ago
(I'm almost tempted, though, to have her make a big speech at the time, have it put on her chest - and then. OMG WHAT DID I DO, HOW WILL ANYONE SEE THIS? I'M NOT UNBUTTONING MY SHIRT FOR ANYONE.
9 years ago
Except Mavis, I mean. I told you they made it pretty clear
9 years ago
But probably the ankle would be better.
9 years ago
(If she was a few years older, I might make a different decision, but. DX )\
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