Belle Ombre
9 years ago
[The Woman in White] by Wilkie Collins
latest #9
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
I picked this because it was a free classic, and I had just dumped money on a new kindle after the first one's heroic demise
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
turns out, it's quite good.
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
basically, a Victorian suspense novel that truly had the suspense. in spite of the contrivances of the plot, it was definitely a page-turner and sometimes filled me with a sense of dread (me of all people)
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
a lot of the strength of the book rests on the character of Marian Halcome, a proto-feminist heroine who is well-depicted and intensely likeable
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
the sympathies and social sensibilities of the author were quite advanced for his time, though the book did suffer from some prejudice toward anyone who was not English
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
anyway a lot of the first half of the story was...a slow inexorable buildup of dread, and even though you think you can see it coming from a mile away, you really can't
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
very long book but didn't drag, partially also due to multiple narrators (many of whom were unreliable and quite colorful)
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
and a hell of a villain who is undeservedly obscure in the canon of classical villainy
Belle Ombre
9 years ago
it's been a long time since I read something where good was flat-out good and bad was bad :^) it was quite enjoyable however
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