After coming to my senses, I realized that, unless they put a foil in each pack, it doesn't seem likely to open one in a booster box, maybe even a case of six boxes
Nonetheless, if you go to two prerelease pods, if you open one, you have likely recouped costs - maybe even if you went to a third pod.
Even though, just with a new set of actual duals at rare, likely completed in the next set, a box is high ev.
What's curious is the expeditions for the small set. There are twenty, and they will likely have the enemy duals - then what?
I suppose the lands that etb when not controlling corresponding basics can be ten. The WWK manlands? Enemy mmanlands seem highly unlikely now.
Etb tapped, eg Glacial Fortress
Re: enemy manlands: Unless they reprint the BFZ manlands, I guess they won't be expeditions?