9 years ago
Someone please tag Truth Hawks in this plurk. Getting really sick of seeing this happen.
latest #19
9 years ago
Apparently LL doesn't care enough, or doesn't know how, to ban the IP address of this person, so they keep making alts and getting thousands of L$ from each victim every day. From what I hear, it's 4k per hit.
9 years ago
Granted, you're pretty stupid to grant it access to take your money, but stupidity abounds, and we can't solely blame the victims. Blueberry sent out a notice to her group about how to avoid scams like this,
9 years ago
because her shoppers were being hit by it, too. I think all stores who have been affected should warn their customers, with a notecard and a sign in the store. Just my two cents.
9 years ago
I reported this particular bot, though of course they'll just make another one, but I suggested to LL in the report, in case it hadn't occurred to them, to blcok the IP address, since they just keep making new
9 years ago
bots. I wonder if they will listen. :-)
9 years ago
Thanks for the replurks!
9 years ago
9 years ago
IP addresses can be dumped and you can receive a new one they are recycled. Banning a IP address does not work. It is not a you get one a birth and keep the same number for the rest of your life.
9 years ago
I know, but I know other games that do it successfully... idk. What's the point in reporting if they're so helpless?
9 years ago
Since L$ can be changed into RL$, is it illegal? Like if you pirate music, your ISP can cut you off? idk...
9 years ago
either way, it would help if the shopping public was educated and prepared, imho
9 years ago
khayaleistone: yes education is key here! There are other ways to ban people but someone will always find a way around it. Depending on the amount stolen you could try a police report.
9 years ago
I am sure there is some law that they can be hit with. But they also might be in a country that has not internet/computer laws
9 years ago
Yeah, that is the hard part about the internet, everyone's laws are different. Well, if we can spread the word...!
9 years ago
Ugh, good point.
9 years ago
Sansar. I hope so. Would save a lot of trouble for legitimate customers.
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