9 years ago
Hey there! Just a quick discussion in here, for the sake of moving things along.
latest #24
9 years ago
1: were you guys going to definitely take Red to Orange?
9 years ago
once that is decided, we can put up the next post, which is 'put the pieces together and possibly confront whoever the person is'
9 years ago
(as a note, you don't HAVE to figure it out and confront the person, it will just make the post after this one a little easier if you do)
go тo вread
9 years ago
I think so but
go тo вread
9 years ago
- shit is it my turn somewhere I've been bad at tags lately
9 years ago
I feel like we should try to push for something more out of them than what amounts to an extension on the prisoner return deadline. like.. "we'll return Red if you guys agree to peaceful talks."
9 years ago
but I don't have anybody in that thread so. =D;
9 years ago
if you guys want to do that too, I am okay with that!
9 years ago
This doesn't have to be decided tonight, we can take a day to talk it over
NekoInc, MSPM
9 years ago
I'd favor doing that, but Megaera stayed behind so
9 years ago
Trying to get more out of them would be good, but wow I didn't realize we'd been doing this one log for as long as we were
9 years ago
yeah it's...been a while whoops
9 years ago
apart from backtag stuff, me an' mine are really just waiting for something to do. nothing's occurred that we can get in on yet. and it probably goes without saying you don't want her near negotations.
9 years ago
(seconding Yinza, someone needs to suggest that. But I don't know that Orange would have the authority within her group to broker agreements.)
9 years ago
idk about anywhere else, but 14-year-old girls leading in their parents' absence is totally how it works in the fire nation
go тo вread
9 years ago
go тo вread
9 years ago
Tobias might just ask one of the others who are in view.
9 years ago
any thoughts?
Guardian Bear J
9 years ago
I think this one basically falls on Ghaleon. >_>
Guardian Bear J
9 years ago
Unless Aoi does something stupid with boundless optimism?
Guardian Bear J
9 years ago
nidorina HEY, HEY! Beard Bear summons you!
9 years ago
Yeah, Ghaleon's gonna try for more since there's no point if all they got out of it was an extension.
9 years ago
He wants answers, dammit.
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