No. X
9 years ago
you are all so wonderful and i'm so glad i met you all
latest #24
No. X
9 years ago
[ in a lovey dovey mood ]
9 years ago
9 years ago
No. X
9 years ago
NO, I'M NOT DYING palamecian:
No. X
9 years ago
this is more like "a small bottle of hard cider with cinnamon whiskey" :-P
9 years ago
No. X
9 years ago
No. X
9 years ago
palamecian: yeah, im fine xD
No. X
9 years ago
thank you for being concerned though ;w;
No. X
9 years ago
No. X
9 years ago
also: this makes me glad that i headcanon that kefka can't get drunk easily because his impulsivity is low enough as it is
No. X
9 years ago
er, high enough
Agron, YES!!!
9 years ago
drunk bb cef tho
No. X
9 years ago
he is super affectionate and demands attention
No. X
9 years ago
epika ☆
9 years ago
No. X
9 years ago
before the magic really kicked in, drinking!kefka could eitehr be a super affectionate wordy type or he'd start fights at every bard. every one.
9 years ago
...see I can't tell if you mean at bars or that he really hates spoony bards
No. X
9 years ago
....he means bars. He will make bards sing his praises if he finds any. Or force everyone to do karaoke with him.
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