It covers nearly a week's worth of time, so there is a bit of playroom in regards to when things happen.
...time to make purchases and toss up posts I guess. Or maybe top-levels in this post instead.
Hrm. Megaera needs to cash in some serious shards.
like shit i don't even know where to begin. goddamn. what the fuck endgame is a t h i n g
i will put up a plotting plurk later because im so tired but g o d d a m n
also, the game won't END end on the 18th. that's just when the final post goes up
it might take a few days to play out the stuff
also you definitely want to finish stuff up with Orange hint hint hint
there's two cores left to go hint hint hint
finding an resolution that Orange's side can agree to might net you a core hint hint hint
Obzedat jchaos Megaera will definitely ask Patchouli about teaming up on some cash-in of Shards... And Colin about what defenses he would consider most useful to everyone's survival.
If anyone has shards they don't know what to do with I know a nerd who has some ideas...
First tag on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the Rebuilding post! \o/
More to come definitely but I need to turn these notes into actual requests
>_> Also, did the thread with Nathan and Anya just die?
/really eager to see what info she could have dragged out of him.
rubberfaceokumura: Can I handwave that Stewart made Rob some equipment and explained the creation process as Rob watched?
... so... any ideas what Ibuki can do to... help things? XD;;
sing at everybody until somebody confesses to being the traitor to get her to stop?
Actually, there is a very important thing Ibuki can do
but it's a thing in the next post sorry |D
H'okay. Well, concernin' shards and abilites and such - already made a reply to the relevant post some weeks back. Same as Goggs: got any shards you don't need, my kid'll take 'em for up-beefing.
I gotta think about what my kid's thing'll be, if anything. Last plot phase, she was playin' defense and stickin' around to keep homestead safe. Thinkin' she's gonna be rather nervous.
ah yes, Anya never did get to making out with Nathan in the phone booth
have to figure out something to do with Zuzu... thanks to this plurk my only thought right now is "turtle ducks"
... Megaera's other idea is to build some high-level magic items specifically suited to aiding survival in case of bad-case scenarios.
actually that's something that Rob's been considering
namely, a small flying island that can grow alchemy ingredients and food, so they have a seed crop if they have to start over
(if you think that sounds pricey it is. I need to downgrade my plans for it after working out an excessive cost)
... Now you made Colin want a science boat. :| THANKS, ROB.
how many shards for a lion turtle
Lion Turtle? I should know this one...
I mean if you're gonna get a floaty island, why not make it a living floaty island...
Ah, A'Tuin. Makes sense. Probably also needs more shards than they've got.
...they're also probably too intelligent for the monument to create now that I think about it. but I just like imagining it lol
You could try for a babby one, but it wouldn't be much use to escape on. XD
even a baby is probably. idk, appa-sized? I bet it could carry at least 10 people
Yes, but do you really want a babby likely to be distracted by something interesting carrying survivors?
... Megaera will just stick to a Kobold Hole Lair I think
yinza: It wouldn't be a floaty island it would be a
flying island. Since there aren't many giant bodies of water left anymore.
tags into this plurk just so I don't lose it while plurks busted
lion turtles can fly actually. or at least the airbender-types can?
Yeah, now I think it, Megaera's plan for now is "Be ready to escape with as many of those she cares about as possible, in case everything goes belly-up"