( meme ) what should our next thread be
latest #72
this is basically just a "plot with me" except more specific isn't it idek
i'm decidedly too tired for higher brain functions to still exist
i demand hansen adventures somewhere somehow
and or dalquist adventures
and or leif and bobbi ridiculous smutty times
i am not helpful
both. both is good. wait. all three.
tired queer
9 years ago
tired queer
9 years ago
basically this
9 years ago
places hands on
we shall do all the things
allllll the things
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
Roxy soberly asking Bellamy if he has freckles everywhere.
done and done
it's a deal
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
then she can count them
she really really wants to play connect the dots. with her tongue.
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
take him out to dinner first.
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
and then go to the beach, best way to woo him
she can definitely do that
let's do a thread of them going to the beach sometime
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
we should do that this month
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
I was going to have him call her up since octavia is gone and he wants to leave while fulfilling his cuddle quota... I DONT KNOW WHAT IT WAS GOING TO BE ABOUT but I was thinking about it.
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
she can continue to count his freckles
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
he will continue to try and steal Diana
she will sigh a lot
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
and he'll be successful. diana blake
unless he marries roxy and convinces her somehow to take his name
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
why wouldn't she take his name? he'll take hers.
but then it'll stay diana morton forever
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
diana morton-blake
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
he'll name his snowgie blake-morton
that's fair
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
it'll destroy everything they own, but it's loveable like bellamy.
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
destroys his shirt
roxy already likes his snowgie
pls always destroy bellamy's shirts
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
what's he meant to wear????
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
wow ...
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
closes the door and hangs out with Diana and snowgie shirtless
........ whoa wait no what about roxy
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
she can sit outside
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
she can lean against the door.
no she wants to ogle
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
she can watch through the peephole
she'd rather be there
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
she can't be if she doesn't leave him the dog!
I guess they're just going to be forever divided
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
until she lets him take ownership of the dog.
not going to happen
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
slowly takes shirt off in the rain ...
tempting but you underestimate her strength of will
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
takes pants off???
hm yes very nice
jade(d) 🐝
9 years ago
slides behind a barricade
no that's definitely not convincing
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