kcooney is
15 years ago
la-hoos-a-ing the noisy lunchroom battle. Any ideas for 3rd-5th graders? What I have in place isn't working.
latest #12
LinleyP says
15 years ago
what are you doing? How many kids are in the lunchroom at once?
LinleyP says
15 years ago
I'm going to replurk this for you and try to get you some more friends. --Check my friends list, and others', to request friends. You will
LinleyP says
15 years ago
get lots more responses that way!!!
kimcaise says
15 years ago
i assume the 'quiet' game won't work? lol
kcooney says
15 years ago
Thanks, Plurk Goddess. The first 10 minutes go well (timer is set and no talking aloud). After that, all hell breaks loose for next 15 min
kcooney says
15 years ago
We have a stopwatch that plays a yodel noise and the first table to all raise their hands and hear it, gets a point for the day.
kcooney says
15 years ago
Then, at the end of the week, we have a 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade reward for quietest table. Class name read on intercom
kcooney says
15 years ago
Problem is, I'm not getting much bang for my buck. Still noisy. Lunch lady YELLS to quite them.
kcooney says
15 years ago
Then YELLS again the next day and the next. Parents were complaining about the old method in place.
kcooney says
15 years ago
The old method was if table was noisy, whole table might miss 5 or 10 minutes of noon recess.
kcooney says
15 years ago
Certain parents felt this was unfair to their kid who obviously wasn't talking :-)
kcooney says
15 years ago
so I changed longstanding practice to more positive one described above.
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