9 years ago
latest #18
9 years ago
Literally posting this on my way out the door to work, SO IF I MISSED ANYTHING I WILL ADD THAT LATER
thank you for all your hard work, guys! uvu
purpleminiskirts HEY LOOK........ APPS ARE OPEN.........
9 years ago
fish deranged
9 years ago
looks great! o7
fish deranged
9 years ago
hype for the newbies and hype for that event, diggity dang
9 years ago
Apps! Yessss!
fish deranged
9 years ago
have i heard correctly that there will be an ic anon meme because i'm hype as hell
fish deranged
9 years ago
when is that going up/who is making it
I need to get working on that! my old apps got long, so I need to condense some of that info...
rlly good brain
9 years ago
Quick question about the Monthly event's IC timeline! Will the monster's effects extend through to the end of the month or does that event IC-ly last only a few days?
rlly good brain
9 years ago
I'm mostly asking since Yuto's monster event is in the middle of it on the calendar. ^_^
9 years ago
Oh, good question! I was planning for the effects could last until the ending, but if it would cause problems with your event,
9 years ago
then it can wear off after a few days! Or wear off at different speeds for different people?
9 years ago
ahhhh so basically the initial monster goes down, but the side effects not so much
9 years ago
Yup! Monster comes in part 2
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